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Abstracts & Presentations

International Conferences

2001 International Conferences

(By conference, by month, by author)

8th European Conference on Clinical Aspects and Treatment of HIV Infection, Athens, Greece, October 2001

Gerstoft J, Predictors of CD4 response to interleukin-2 in ESPRIT -- Slides

1st IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2001

Argentina NTCC, Preliminary results of ESPRIT: Predictors of dosage reduction or cycle interruption during the first three cycles of IL-2 -- Slides

8th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Chicago, Illinois, February 2001

Arduino R, Meta-analysis of the CD4 cell response to 3 doses of subcutaneous interleukin-2 (scIL-2) across 3 vanguard studies -- Abstract

Markowitz N, Prediction of CD4+ cell response to subcutaneous recombinant interleukin-2 (SC rIL-2) -- Abstract

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